Thursday 29 December 2016

Uses of skeleton in our body

Uses of skeleton in our body / 1. Skeleton provides support or framework which supports  whole body and gives it definite shape.2.skeleton gives support and protection to delicate organs such as heart,intestine,lungs etc.3.skeleton helps in movement of body and body parts.4.blood cells like red blood cells ,white blood cells are formed in bone marrow in some long bones.5.bones are reserve of calcium and phosphorus for rest of the body.



Zymometer: an instrument for measuring the degree of fermentation
zoology : a branch of science that deals with the study of animals
zoophyte: an invertebrate that visually resembles a, a sea anemone, coral etc/
monogamy : practice of having only one sexual partner in animals/
 lumbar: related to loins, the part of back between thorax and pelvis viz a lumbar vertebra/lymph : a clear light yellow, slightly alkaline fluid in body that contains white blood cells
glycogen: it isa polysaccharide of glucose in human body .excess of glucose in human body is stored in form of glycogen in liver and muscles/
 foramen: an opening ,a hole or short passage as in a bone
erythrocytometer : a device used for counting red blood cells/ mycology : branch of biology that deals with study of fungi
erepsin: a mixture of proteolytic enzymes present in intestinal juice
erythromycin : an antibiotic obtained from streptomyces erythraeus.

Essential amino acid /non essential amino acids

 Essential amino acid : these amino acids must be obtained from diet.these are either not be synthesised in human body or synthesised in very very small amount that is not adequate for the body.these are 10 in number, arginine,histidine,leucine,
 non essential amino acids : these are synthesised in human body in adequate amount. These are 10 in number. These are alanine,asparagine,aspartic acid,cysteine,glutamic acid,glutamine,glycine,proline,serine and tyrosine.


Red cross

 Red cross was established in 1864. The main task of red cross is to remove human sufferings in war time as well as in war.volunteers of red cross go in war zone.they help the wounded soldiers and civilians irrespective of their nationality. A red colour cross on white background is the emblem of red cross organization.the work of red cross includes to help the victims of war or natural calamities like floods,earthquake,tsunami etc, to procure blood for the wounded people,to help the people in accidents,to provide ambulance services,training of midwives etc.8th  May is celebrated as Red Cross Day.



Mucopolysaccharides or mucilages are the slimy substances produced by the plants.when husk of isbgol  is soaked it takes slimy form.when we cut ladyfinger vern. Bhindi  we can feel the slimy and sticky substance on our fingers.this is mucilage or a mucopolysaccharide. Mucilages  are also formed by sea weeds . agar,alginic acid, carrageenin are all mucilages of commercial importance. Mucopolysaccharides occur in cell wall of bacteria,connective tissue of animals and some body cell wall they bind the connective tissue and interstitial spaces they hold water.when present around ligaments and tendons they provide lubrication.synovial fluid in joints is a mucopolysaccharide.vitreous humour in eye ball contain mucopolysaccharide.hyaluronic acid occur in connective tissue.chondroitin sulphate occur in cartilage where it provides strength and flexibility.

Are bones living or non living

Are bones living or non living:
Bone is made up of organic and inorganic material.the inorganic part constitutes 2/3rd of entire bone substance and it includes mainly the compounds of calcium and material is mainly collagen fibres./ although bone is made up of compounds of calcium and phosphorus but there are living cells associated with bones which bring about growth of bones and perform other functions eg, bone has concentric rings of bone cells osteocytes.the hollow cavity in the bone has bone marrow which give rise to red and white blood cells.external surface of the bone is covered by a membrane called periosteum.this membrane has outer fibrous and inner cellular layers and it has rich blood supply through fine blood vessels./ in this way bones are living as long as they are inside the living body.bones undergo growth and repair also.but, when bones are outside the body and the cellr associated with them become dead then bone is a non living structure.

Why some old age people complain of stiff joints

Why some old age people complain of stiff joints

Many joints like knee joints,shoulder joints contain a lubricating fluid called synovial fluid.this fluid prevents friction between ends of old age formation of this fluid a result friction between bones at joint site increases and bones can't move smoothly.therefore some people in old age complain of stiff joints

Wednesday 28 December 2016

ICSE : CLASS 9 : TEST PAPER : Chapters :Disease: Cause and Control/Hygiene- A key to Healthy Life

ICSE : CLASS 9 : TEST PAPER : Chapters :Disease: Cause and Control/Hygiene- A key to Healthy Life
1.Name the following                                                                                                                              a.A bacterium that causes tuberculosis.
b.Mosquito that spreads dengue
c.A fish used to control mosquito larvae
d. Larvae of housefly.
e. A liver disease characterised by yellow eyes and deep yellow urine.                                                                                                                                                                                                             5
2.Write true /false and correct the false statements by changing either first or last word only.
a.Louis Pasteur discovered a cure for malaria
b.Mumps and politomyelitis are caused by bacteria
c. Culex mosquito spreads dengue.
d.W hooping cough is also known as Diptheria                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4
3. Differentiate between
a.Endemic and Epidemic diseases.
b.Anopheles and Culex mosquito.
c.Virus and bacteria .                                                                                                                        6                                                                                                                                                                    4. Define
2.Incubation period.
3.Vector                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3
5.Given below is a list of 4 pathogens and each followed by three diseases .underline the disease which does not match the pathogen.
a.Bacteria : Tuberculosis,Cholera,Mumps
b.Viruses : Rabies,Cholera,Poliomyelitis.
c.Worms :Taeniasis,Malaria,Ascariasis.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3
6.How is polio transmitted?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1
 7.What is taeniasis? How does man get this disease?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2
8.What is the cause and symptoms of tetanus?How can it be prevented?                                             3
9.Why should one breathe by nose and not by mouh  ?                                                                                     1                                                                                         
10.Name 2 types of dysentary and their causative organisms.   

BY: ASHWANI KUMAR .BIO TEACHER AT VIGYAN TUTORIALS.PATEL NAGAR PHAGWARA 9646388266                                                                              2
ICSE: CLASS 9 : TEST PAPER: Digestive System  (Part 1)                                                     MM25

1.Name the following
a.Hardest substance in the body
b An enzyme in saliva.
c.Opening of stomach into intestine.
d Part of tooth exposed above gum.
e.The broad sharp cutting teeth                                                                                              5
2.Write true /false and correct the false statement by changing either first or last word only.
a.Saliva is slightly alkaline.
b.Soft connective tissue in central space of tooth is called dentine.
c.Bone like structure fixing the tooth root is called enamel
d.Premolars are also called wisdom teeth.                                                                              5
e.Human teeth are homodont
3.Match the colums
1.Gastric juice       a.cutting edges
2.Incisors               b.pepsin
3.premolars           c.tearing the food
4.canines               d.grinding crushing.
5.molars e.20/teeth/                                                                                                               5
a. Digestion.
b.Peristalsis                                                                                                                            2
5.What is function of HCl acid in stomach?                                                                             2
6.What is the dental formula of normal human adult?                                                               1
7.mention the reflexes which occur when a person chews and swallows food.                          2 three salivary glands and their location.                                                                       3.


Saturday 24 December 2016

Ways by which housefly contaminate our food

Ways by which housefly contaminate our food
 1.the body of housefly especially its spiny legs pick up filth containing germs from dirty places.when such a fly sit on our food,it leave the germs on food and contaminate it.
2.housefly pour saliva on food.the saliva may have germs which contaminate our food.
3.housefly deposits its excreta while it sit or feeds on food.the excreta may have germs which contaminate our food



Advantage of propagation of rose  by cutting:
 1.It is an easy and quick method gives flowers similar to parent plant.
advantage of propagation of rose by budding:
1. in this method plant already have well established stem and roots therefore new branches grow faster  and flower soon.
 2.Same plant can be made to produce different coloured roses.Suppose buds  from yellow and white rose plant are grafted on red rose this case same plant will produce red yellow and white roses on different branches.

Monday 21 November 2016


Time 3hrs
General instructions :- 1.all questions are compulsory.
2 the question paper consists of five sections A,B,C,D and E.sectionA consists of 5 questions of 1 mark each.sectionb is of 5 questions of 3 marks each,section C is of 1  questions of 3 marks whereas section D is of d questions of 5 marks each.section E is OTBA of 10marks (2 questions of 5 marks each) .
3.question number 20 is value based question.4.there is no overall choice.however,an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks,one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks weightage. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 5.wherever necessary the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled
                                                                    Section A
1.the cell wall of cells of a plant tissue shows the presence of hemicellulose and the tissue. the scientist who proposed binomial nomenclature for organisms
3.the flow of impulses in a nerve is unidirectiona.give one reason.
4.state the function of heterocyst in nostoc is RNA differ from DNA in terms of nitrogenous base?
                                                                      section B
6.give the schematic representation of the steps of glycolysis/
7.what is the source of vasopressin hormone? Where is it stored?name the target organ of this hormone.state its function
8 given below are the pairs animals and their phylum from which they belong.which out of these is not a matching pair and why ?
 Unio -mollusca,culex - arthropoda ,pheretima - aschelminthes,fasciola - platyhelminthes
9.write names of four classes of fungi and the nature of mycelia present in them or both gymnosperms and angiosperms bear seeds,yet they are classified separatetely.give reason.
10.bile lacks enzymes yet it is essential for digestion.why?
                                                                    section c
11.what is symbiotic nitrogen fixation? Explain the role of leghaemoglobin and enzyme nitrogenase in atmospheric fixation
Answer the following : the stress hormone found in plants.2.write cause of bakane disease of rice.
13. A transverse section of a stem of a tree shows concentric are these rings formed? State the significance of ther rings
14. Describe the following as asked against each. 1.gizzard in cockroach : function vascular system : one example 3.heart name of tissue
15. Draw the basic structure of neural synapse and label the following parts in it : pre synaptic membrane, post synaptic membrane ,synaptic vesicles,neurotransmitter,
receptors,synaptic cleft
16.explain the mechanism of muscle contraction
17.why is mitosis called equational division? State any four points of difference between mitosis and meiosis.
18. Classify the plastids on the basis of type of pigments present in them and give their functions or give the scientific terms for the following processes a.loss of water from leaves through stomata in the form of water vapours.c.water absorbed by solids causing them to enormously increases in volume.
19.explain the mechanism of ascent of sap
.20.mohit, a 15 years old student thinks that smoking makes him more energetic.hence he tries to smoke when he is with his peer group.his friend rahul advises him to avoid smoking. A.which respiratory disorder is caused by cigarette smoking? B.Give adverse effect of this disorder.c.write any two values used by rahul in counselling his friend. are proteins formed? Describe the primary,secondary and tertiary structure of proteins/
a. Which cell organelle is also called as power house of cell. b.describe its structure with labelled do these cell organelles reproduce?
22. A.what is photophosphorylation?
 B.where do this mechanism occur in plant cells ? 
C.explain the process of cyclic photophosphorylation 
A. Where does electron transport system operative in mitochondria? Explain the system giving the role of oxygen. 
B.what is oxidative phosphorylation ? do arteries and veins differ in regard to 1.presence of semilunar valves 2.presence of blood. B.explain the different segments in a standard  ECG
A.explain the role of loop of henle in urine formation in humans.
 B. Draw the labelled diagram of nephron /
                                                        section E (OTBA)
24. The stress  of modern day living is causing an enormous burden on health care globally.comment upon the problem arising due to this stress and suggest possible solutions
25.can one lead a healthy life without compromising his contribution towards growth and development of the organization and the nation at large ? Explain.



1.Mature red blood cells of all mammals lack nuclei,with the exception of those in the camel
2.most roots are positively geotropic but roots of mangrove plants grow away from gravity
the aquatic larval stage of American salamander can reproduce inspite of retaining its larval form
3 DNA is the hereditary material with the exception of some viruses such as tobacco mosaic virus TMV
 4. A human being is clinically dead when there is no pulse that is no heart beat and his pupils are fixed and dilated ( no reaction to light).clinical death is not the same as biological death. Almost all the body cells remain alive for several hours after clinical death.this is why tissues and organs to be used for transplantation are removed within a few minutes after death
5.ciliates hitherto thought tobe immortal due their capacity for binary fission, are now found to age and die ,after a certain number of fissions
6. an amoeba divides into two cells, which in turn divide into two each and so on.when does an amoeba dhe? Bacteria divide every 15 to 20 minutes,the original losing its identity.when there is overcrowding ,bacterial cells die as a result of their own secretions. We can call this natural death
7/resurrection plants : some species of moss Selaginella grow on exposed rocks and have ability to survive dessication.when placed in water they revive and are hence called resurrection plants. Myrothamnus and craterostigma grow in highly arid regions of south Africa.dark brown dried up plants when receive rain the plants revive,their leaves  become green and functional .in extreme dessication these plants appear dead but come to life when water is available.
By: ashwani kumar @vigyan tutorials. phagwara. 9646388266


Alexander Fleming (1881-1955) was studying the bacterium Staphylococcus that causes throat infection.he was growing this organism in petri plates on agar is a common observation that such culture media often get contaminated with other microbes.fleming observed contamination of a blue -green mould Penicillium notatum, in one of his culture plates.normally contaminated cultures are discarded but fleming retained this particular looked different ,as the normal cloudy aqearance resulting from bacterial growth was absent.the presence of a clear area round the mould indicated that bacterial growth had been inhibited.many other bacteriologists had also made the observation that moulds inhibit bacterial growth.but fleming wanted to know why.further investigation led to the discovery that toxic substance produced by the mould inhibited bacterial growth.fleming named this substance penicillin (1928-29).he made the cautious statement that penicillin might prove to be an effective antiseptic agent against  penicilin sensitive microbes.subsequently tests showed that penicillin was not toxic to human beings and thus it became one of the most useful antibiotics.during world war 2, penicillin proved to be of tremendous value in controlling infections among wounded soldiers.

by: ashwani kumar @Vigyan Tutorials ,patel nagar. opp anoop hospital, phagwara


1.Eucalyptus regnans is the world's tallest tree with recorded height of 375 ft .this is closely followed by californian coast redwood - Sequoia sernpervirens which is 366 ft whale is the largest animal ever existed on can reach to length of 30m plant Amorphophallus which is found in Sumatra the inflorescence ( flower bearing axis) can be 5.5 m long.
4.smallest plant is wolffia resembles small green dots or grains floating in water
5.Rafflesia is world's largest flower with diameter of about one meter and 2.5 cm thick petals insect called cicada has life span of about 17 emerges from ground and remaim awake for about  weeks and then dies/
7Acetabularia is a single celled alga with length of about 6-10cm
8 the male baya or weaver bird makes beauiful nest with grasses.the females visit the nest of different male birds and select only that male whose nest they like the most.sometimes to impress females the male birds decorate their nests with colourful petals/ length of blood vessels in our body is about 96000km
10.who have more body hair- human or ape? Its human.human have more body hair than apes but human hair are shorter and softer
11.internal area of human lungs is about 93suare m etre which is about  40 times the area of human body/fastest nerve impulse can travel at speed of about 532kph.

By: Ashwani Kumar @Vigyan Tutorials.patel nagar.phagwara.9646388266

Friday 5 August 2016

                               Habitat Diversity in Algae

Algae includes more than 30000 species.They are almost cosmopolitan.They are mainly aquatic.some forms are terrestrial and grow at moist places on land.some algae grow in  special habitats.
1.Aquatic algae: Aquatic forms occur in marine as well as fresh-water habitats
The algae that float at surface of  water bodies and are drifted by water currents.These fall under category of phytoplanktons.examples of phytoplanktons are Diatoms,Chlorella,Chlamydomonas,Volvox,Microcystis etc.excess of a particular species of algae can change the colour of water body.This is called water bloom.Alga Trichodesmus erythrium imparts red colour to sea surface.Excess growth of Microcystis makes water surface blue-green in colour
Benthic algae are found attached at the bottom of water,Chara,Melosina,Stephanodis,Cyclotella,Oscillatoria amphibia.the form attached to the bottom mud are called epipellic and forms attached to rocks are called epilithic.
2.Terrestial algae : Terrestrial algae growing on surface of damp soil are called,Fritschiella .algae growing below surface of soil are called cryptophytes eg,Nostoc.
3.Algae growing in special or unusual habitat: some algae are found at unusual habitat are placed under title special habitats
cryophytes are algae that in polar regions on snow eg,Scottiella.cryophyte alga Haematococcus imparts red colour to snow is caused by Chlamydomonas yellowstonesis
Thermophyte algae grow in hot water springs eg,Oscillatoria brewis
some algae like Oedogonium,Ulothrix,Bulbochaete grow on surface of other plants.These are called epiphytes.
Nostoc colonies are found inside Anthoceros thallus.such algae that grow within other plants are called endophytes.
 Zoochlorella,an alga lives inside body of Hydra.the algae that inhabit inside bodies of animals are called endophytes.
Alga that inhabit outside bodies of animals are called epizoophytes eg,Cynoderma grows on body of sloth.Cladophora grows on snail
symbiotic algae grow in association with othe plants eg,lichens.coralloid roots of cycas contain blue green algae Nostoc and Anabaena
Parasitic forms of algae are parasites on about 145 species of land plant species and cause,Cephaleuros virescens causes red rust disease of tea.other parasitic algae are Phycopeltis,Physolinum,Stomatochroon sp.

 An article by:Vigyan Tutorials.Biology Coaching Classes by Ashwani kumar,,Biology teacher NewPatel Nagar opp Anoop hospital Phagwara

Tuesday 2 August 2016

                                      Minor Phyla

These are group of multicellular invertebrates which are less common,  and have unclear phylogenetic position. Many of these have characteristics similar to specific major phyla but at the same time they have significant differences from that phyla due to which they can not be placed under one phyla.some zoologists have placed such phyla as sub division or class under major in simple terms we can say that minor phyla are small phyla which have small number of species,mostly small number of individuals and there phylogenetic position is not fully clear./
They have both advanced and primitive features.some advanced features of minor phyla are .1.presence of contractile heart in brachiopoda.this is an advancement over contractile blood chaetognatha the epidermis is multilayered .this is perhaps the beginning of formation of stratified epithelium found in anal tail in chaetognatha is a character similar to chordata.
categories of minor phyla/there are three categories of minor phyla
 1.minor acoelomates : in these phyla coelom is absent.the space between digestive tract and body wall is filled with parenchyma or mesenchyme .these are : phylum mesozoa,phylum ctenophora,phylum nemertinea (rhynchocephalia).                                                                                                                          2.minor pseudocoelomates : they have pseudocoelom which is lined on outside by mesoderm and on inner side by endoderm.these are : phylum entoprocta,phylum ancanthocephala,phylum nematomorpha,phylum rotifera,phylum gastrotricha,phylum kinorhyncha,phylum nematoda                                                       3.minor coelomates : they have coelom which is bounded throughout by mesoderm.these include : phylum ectoprocta (bryozoa),phylum phoronida,phylum priapulida,phylum echiurodea,phylum brachiata,phylum sipunculida, phylum chaetognatha,phylum brachiopoda.
An article by: Vigyan Tutorials.Biology Coaching Classes by Ashwani kumar,,Biology teacher NewPatel Nagar opp Anoop hospital Phagwara