Friday 1 March 2019

Biological classification -NCERT based objective questions.

pp 16.
1. who was pioneer to classify living organisms on scientific basis ?
2.what was the basis of Aristotle's classification ?
morphological characters.
3. what was Aristotle's classification of plants ?
Aristotle classified plants into trees shrubs and herbs.
4. what was Aristotle's classification of animals?
Aristotle classified animals into two categories animals with red blood and animals without red blood .
5.what is two kingdom system of classification ?
living organisms are classified into two kingdoms . Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Animalia.
6.why two kingdom system is not used ?
because a large number of organisms does not fall in either of two kingdoms.
pp17 .
7.who proposed five kingdom system of classification ?
R H whittaker (1969 ).
8.Name the five kingdoms proposed by whittaker .
Monera ,protista ,fungi ,plantae Animalia.
9. List main criteria of classification used by whittaker.
cell structure, thanks or body organisation, mode of nutrition, reproduction and phylogenetic relationships.
10.Cell wall of fungi is made up of......?
11.cell wall of plants is mainly made up of .........?
12. what is cell type of Monera? prokaryotic.
13. in which kingdom cell wall is absent ?
Kingdom Animalia.
14. what type of body organisation is found in Monera and fungi? cellular .
15.what type of body organisation is found in fungi ?
multicellular /loose tissue.
16. what type of body organisation is found in plants?
tissue /organ .
17.what is mode of nutrition in Monera ?
autotrophic and heterotrophic.
18. what kind of autotrophic nutrition is found Monera?  photosynthetic and chemosynthetic 19.what is mode of nutrition in protista?
Autotrophic and Heterotrophic.
20. what kind of autotrophic mode of nutrition is found in Plantae?
only photosynthetic.
21. what type of heterotrophic mode of nutrition is found in Monera?
saprophytic and parasitic .
22.what kinds of heterotrophic nutrition are found in Animalia? holozoic and saprophytic .
23.Name the kingdom containing unicellular eukaryotic organisms. protista.
24. what is the kingdom of Paramecium and Amoeba?
2.1 pp18.
Kingdom Monera

25.which is the sole member of kingdom Monera ?
bacteria .
26.Name the most abundant microorganisms .
27.Name four categories of bacteria on the basis of their shape. coccus,baccilus,vibrium, spirillum. 28. Comma shaped bacteria are called ......?
vibrio ( sing.,Vibrium).
29. what is the most common mode of nutrition in bacteria?
2. 1.1
30. what is special about Archaebacteria ?
some archaebacteria live in most harsh habitats . Archaebacteria are found in salty areas( halophiles), hot springs (thermophiles ) and marshy areas (methanogens) 31.where are methanogens found? in gut of ruminants like cow and buffalo .
2.1.2 eubacteria or true bacteria.

32. Write two characteristics of eubacteria .
1.rigid cell wall
2.may have flagellum
33.Are cyanobacteria eubacteria? yes .
34.what is other common name of cyanobacteria?
blue green algae
35.what is mode of nutrition in cyanobacteria ?
cyanobacteria are photosynthetic autotrophs
36.what are heterocysts ?
some cyanobacteria like Nostoc and Anabaena can fix atmospheric nitrogen in specialised cells called heterocysts .
37.what are chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria ?
these are bacteria which oxidize nitrate , nitrite salt and ammonia and use the energy released for ATP synthesis .
38.what is importance of chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria ?
They play a role in recycling of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus iron and sulphur .
39.what is the most common   mode of nutrition in bacteria? heterotrophic .
40. Name diseases caused by heterotrophic bacteria?
Typhoid, tetanus ,cholera in man. Citrus canker in citrus plants .
41. what is most common mode of reproduction in bacteria ?
fission .
42. Write 3 characteristics of mycoplasma.
1. Absence of cell wall
2. can survive without oxygen.
3. are known as smallest living cells.

kingdom Protista
43. All single celled eukaryotes are placed under kingdom.....
44. what are chrysophytes?. Give two examples.
Chrysophytes are microscopic planktons which float passively in water . Examples : diatoms, golden algae (desmids).
45. what is special about cell wall of diatoms?
In diatoms the cell wall is in the form of two overlapping shells which fit like a soap box. The walls are embedded with silica .
46.what is diatomaceous earth? Accumulation of siliceous cell walls of diatoms over billion of years in their habitats have formed diatomaceous earth .
47. what is use of diatomaceous earth ?
Diatomaceous earth  is used in polishing , filtration of oils and syrups .
48. Name chief producers in oceans.
49.what is habitat of chrysophytes (diatoms and desmids)
They are found in fresh water as well as in marine habitats.
2.2.2 .dinoflagellates
50.why dinoflagellates have been named so ?
because most of dinoflagellates have two flagella, one lies longitudinally and other transversely in a furrow between the cell wall plates.
51. what causes red tides in sea? Red dinoflagellates. example Gonyaulax.
52.what is the colour of dinoflagellates ?
Green, yellow , brown , blue or red depending upon pigment in their walls .
53. The cell wall of dinoflagellates is made up of.......

2.2.3 Euglenoids
54. Majority of dinoflagellates are found in ........habitat whereas majority of euglenoids are found in...... habitat. Marine, stagnant freshwater.
55. Protein rich layer that lines the cell body of euglenoids is called....... pellicle.
56.How many flagella are there in euglenoids ?
Two, one short and one long.
57. what is mode of nutrition in euglena ?
In light they are photosynthetic and when deprived of sunlight they are heterotrophic.

2.2.4 Slime Moulds.
58. Name a group of saprophytic protists .
Slime moulds
59.what are plasmodium and fruiting bodies in slime moulds?
In favourable conditions slime moulds form an aggregate called plasmodium. In unfavourable conditions plasmodium forms fruiting bodies having spores at their tips.
2.2.5 Protozoans .
60.what is mode of nutrition in protozoans ?
Heterotrophic. All are  predators or parasitic.
61. Name four major groups of protozoans.
Amoeboid protozoans, flagellated protozoans ,ciliated protozoans and sporozoites.
62. what is habitat of amoeboid protozoans ?
They are found in fresh water, marine water and moist soils also. 63.which structure helps amoeboid protozoans to capture food ?
64.Name a parasitic amoeboid protozoan.
22 pp.
65.Name the flagellated protozoan that causes sleeping sickness. Trypanosoma .
66.Name a ciliated protozoan. please .
67.  why sporozoans have been named so?
because they have infectious spore like stage in their life cycle .
68.Name a sporozoan.
Plasmodium vivax (malarial parasite )
2.3 Kingdom Fungi .
69.Toadstools belong to kingdom....
70.Name a unicellular fungus. Yeast .
71.Name a wheat disease caused by fungus Puccinia .
Wheat rust
72.Name a fungus which is a source of antibiotic penicillin.
Penicillium .
73.what are hyphae and mycelium? Fungus body is made up of thread like structures called hyphae. Network of hyphae is called mycelium .
74.What are coenocytic hyphae?some hyphae of fungus are long tube containing multinucleated cytoplasm. These are called coenocytic hyphae.
75. Name the main components of fungal cell wall.
chitin and polysaccharides
76.Name the types of symbiotic relationships of Fungi.
Lichens  and mycorrhiza.
77.what are lichens ?
Lichens are symbiotic association of fungi and algae.
78. what is mycorrhiza ?
These are symbiotic association of fungi and roots of higher plants.
79. Name three means of vegetative reproduction found in fungi.
Fragmentation, fission and budding 23 pp
80. What are modes of asexual reproduction in fungi?
 Asexual reproduction in fungi occurs by formation of spores called Canadia or sporangiospores or zoospores .
81.In what kind of reproduction in fungi oospores, ascospores and basidiospores are formed.
 sexual reproduction.
82. Write 3 steps in sexual reproduction in fungi .
A  plasmogamy : fusion of protoplasm of gametes.
B. karyogamy: fusion of nuclei of gametes .
C  meiosis in zygote forming haploid spores.
83. what is dikaryophase in fungi?
 In ascomycetes and basidiomycetes fusion of two haploid cells of compatible mating types results in formation of cell with two nuclei (n+n). Such a  cell is called dikaryon and phase is called dikaryophase. Later two nuclei fuse.
 2.3.1 Phycomycetes
84. Give some common examples of phycomycetes .
Mucor , Rhizopus (bread mould), Albugo (a parasitic fungi on mustard ).
85.Dissimilar gametes are called... anisogametes  .
86.Mycelium of phycomycetes is..........
aseptate /coenocytic
87. Name asexual spores formed in phycomycetes .
zoospores (motile), aplanospores (non motile ).
2.3.2 Ascomycetes.
88 . what is common name of ascomycetes ?
Sac fungi
89. Give two examples of ascomycetes.
 Penicillium and yeast.
90. Name a unicellular ascomycetes fungi .
91.what are coprophilous fungi? Fungi that grow on dung .
92.what kind of mycelium are formed in ascomycetes?
 branched and septate.
93. Give two examples of ascomycetes .
Aspergillus, Claviceps, Neurospora.
94. Morels and truffles belong to of fungi.
95.sexual reproduction in ascomycetes occur by..........
96. Name the asexual spores in ascomycetous .
97. Conidia are formed exogenously whereas ascospores are formed......... endogenously .
2.3.3 Basidiomycetes.
98. Name some common forms of basidiomycetes fungi .
mushrooms , bracket fungi or puffballs .
99.what type of mycelium is found in basidiomycetes.
 branched and septate.
100. In which group of fungi asexual spores are generally not found ?
basidiomycetes .
101.what is a common mode of vegetative reproduction in basidiomycetes ?
102. List steps of sexual reproduction in basidiomycetes.
A. Plasmogamy i.e fusion of somatic cells of different strains forming dikaryon.
B .Dikaryon give rise to basidium. C. Karyogamy and meiosis in basidium forming four basidiospores.
103.fruirting body bearing basidia are known as.....
 basidiocarps .
104.Give some examples of basidiomycetes .
Agaricus : mushroom
Ustilago : smut and
Puccinia : rust fungus .
2.3.4 Deuteromycetes
105. which group of fungi is commonly known as imperfect fungi?
106. why deuteromycetes are also known as imperfect fungi ?
because only asexual or vegetative phases of these fungi are known . 107. Deuteromycetes reproduce only by asexual spores known as........
108.what type of mycelium is found deuteromycetes?
separate and branched.
109. what type of heterotrophic nutrition is found in deuteromycetes?
 Saprophytic and parasitic. A large numbers of them are decomposers. 110.Give some examples of imperfect fungi/deuteromycetes
Alternaria,Colletotrichum   and Trichoderma
2.4 Kingdom Plantae.
111. Name some partially heterotrophic plants .
Insectivorous plants like bladderwort and Venus fly trap.
 Parasitic plants like Cuscuta.
112. Give three main characteristics of kingdom plantae.
 Eukaryotic cell structure, presence of chlorophyll, cell wall mainly made up of cellulose .
113. Name main groups of kingdom plantae .
Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. 114. what are two distinct phases in the cycle of plants ?
diploid sporophytic phase ,
haploid gametophytic phase.
 2.5 Kingdom Animalia.
 115. Multicellular autotrophic eukaryotic organisms without cell wall are placed in kingdom....     animalia .
116. what type of food reserve is found in kingdom animalia? glycogen and fat .
117.what is mode of nutrition in kingdom animalia?
Heterotrophic ,holozoic that is ingestion of food .
2.6 Viruses,  Viroids and Lichens 118. Name some acellular/ non-cellular organisms.
 Very, Viroids.
119. what is place of viruses ,viroids and lichens in the chapter five kingdom system of classification?
 These organisms does not belong to any of the five kingdoms proposed by Whittaker.
120. what is form of viruses outside the living cells?
 Inert crystalline form.
121. The name virus simply means......
 Venom or poisonous fluid.
122. who gave the term virus?
123. In terms of size viruses are ......than bacteria.
124.Who was first to isolate crystalline form of virus?
125. What is mode of nutrition in viruses?
 They are obligate parasites.
126. What is genetic material in viruses ?
127. Name a virus which has both DNA and RNA as genetic material.
No virus haze both DNA and RNA s genetic material.
128. Most of viruses that infect plants are have .......stranded RNA.
single .
129.what kind of RNA and DNA is found in most of animal viruses?
In general versus infecting the animals have single or double stranded RNA or double stranded DNA.
130. Bacteriophages or bacterial virus is mostly have ..       stranded DNA .
double .
131. Protein  coat of viruses  is called.....and is made up of subunits called ......
 capsid ,capsomeres.
132. what is the most common arrangement of capsomeres in viruses?
 Helical or polyhydron.
133. Name some common viral diseases in man.
 Mumps, smallpox, herpes, influenza ,AIDS.
134. Who discovered viroids?
 T O Diener (in 1970 ).
135. Name a disease caused by viroids.
 Potato spindle tuber disease .
136.what is viroid ?
Viroid is a microscopic infectious agent that have a free RNA but no protein coat .
Lichens .
137.what are phycobionts and mycobionts?
 Lichens are symbiotic association of algae and fungi. Algal component is called phycobiont and fungal component is called mycobiont.
138. what is role of fungal components in lichen ?
Fungi provides shelter to algae.
It absorbs minerals and water for its algal partner.
139. why lichens are called good pollution indicators?
 because they do not grow in the polluted areas.

By:Ashwani Kumar.
Biology teacher .
Vigyan Tutorials.