Wednesday 6 February 2019

Difference between Catkin and Spadix inflorescence

Catkin inflorescence is pendulous i.e, hanging whereas spadix inflorescence is mostly upright.

Catkin Inflorescence is not covered by spathe whereas spadix inflorescence is covered by spathe.

In catkin inflorescence male and female flowers are present on different catkins whereas in spadix inflorescence male and female flowers may be present on same spadix or on different spadices.

In catkin inflorescence whole peduncle is fertile whereas in spadix inflorescence apical part of peduncle is sterile i.e flowerless and is called appendix.

In catkin inflorescence there is nothing special to attract the pollinators whereas in spadix inflorescence spathe and appendix are coloured which attract the pollinators.

Catkin : example, Morus alba,
Spadix: example, Colocasia

By : Ashwani Kumar,
biology teacher,

Sunday 3 February 2019

Difference between spike and spadix inflorescence

A spike inflorescence is that in which elongated peduncle bears sessile flowers in acropetal order. A spadix is a modified form of spike in which fleshy peduncle bears sessile flowers.

In spike whole peduncle bears flowers whereas in spadix upper sterile part of peduncle is called appendix whereas lower sterile part bears unisexual flowers .

In spike, inflorescence  is not covered by spathe whereas in spadix inflorescence whole inflorescence is covered with one or more large bracts called spathes.

By: Ashwani, biology teacher, Phagwara.

Difference between Corymb inflorescence and umbel inflorescence

1.  In case of corymb inflorescence peduncle is long and bears flowers at different levels. In case of umbel inflorescence peduncle is reduced to a point and all flowers arise from this point .

2. In corymb inflorescence flowers are present in a acropetal order whereas in umbel inflorescence flowers are present in centripetal order.
3. In corymb Inflorescence older flowers have longer pedicels whereas in umbel inflorescence there is no much difference in length of pedicels.
4. In corymb inflorescence involcure is absent whereas in umbel inflorescence involcure is mostly present.

By: Ashwani, biology teacher,Phagwara.

Difference between pedicel and peduncle.

Stalk of the flower bearing a flower is called pedicel whereas flower bearing axis of shoot is called peduncle and it may have one to many flowers.

By: Ashwani, Biology teacher,Phagwara.

Difference between phylloclade and phyllode

1. Phylloclade is a modified stem which is green and performs photosynthesis.on the other hand, a phyllode or phyllodia is modified petiole with or without rachis which performs photosynthesis.

2. Phylloclade arises from axil of leaf .Phyllode is not an axillary structure as it itself is a modification of a part of leaf.

3. Axillary bud is absent as phyllode itself develops from a axillary bud. In case of phyllode axillary bud is present .

4. Phylloclade bears leaves , flowers and fruits whereas these structures are absent in phyllode.

5. Phylloclades are mostly succulent and store water, latex, food etc .Phyllodes are never succulent.

6. Phylloclade may help in vegetative reproduction whereas a phyllode do not help in vegetative reproduction.

By: Ashwani, biology teacher,Phagwara.

Difference between leaf tendril and stem tendril

1. Leaf tendrils are mostly unbranched whereas stem tendrils may be branched or unbranched .

2. In case of leaf tendrils scale leaves are absent whereas in case of stem tendrils scale leaves may be present at the point of branching.

3. Buds are absent in leaf tendrils whereas axillary buds may be present in the axil of scale leaves.

4. In case of leaf tendril whole leaf or a part of it develops into tendril whereas a branch of stem or a bud develops into stem tendril.
By: Ashwani Kumar,
Biology teacher,

Saturday 2 February 2019

Pinnate Compound Vs Palmate Compound Leaf

In pinnate compound leaf the leaflets are present on either side of long axis whereas in palmately compound leaf the leaflets are attached to common axis.

In pinnately compound leaf there are two rows of leaflets whereas in palmately compound leaf there is a cluster of leaflets.

In pinnately compound laf there is no joint between leaflet and axis whereas in palmately compound leaf there is joint between leaflets and point of attachment.

Leaflet bearing axis is continuation of petiole or a branch of midrib whereas in palmately compound leaf the leaflets are attached to the tip of the petiole.

By: Ashwani,Biology teacher, Phagwara.