Friday 3 February 2017


18. Historia plantarum was written by
a. Aristotle
b. Lamarck
c. Theophrastus
d. Hippocrates 
19. Theophrastus wrote book on
b. Animals
c. Viruses
d. Aquatic animals
20. Who is the father of Anatomy
a. Andreas Vesalius
b. Aristotle
c. Dhanvantri
d. Charaka
21. Pumping of heart and circulation of blood in human body was discovered by
a. Edward jenner
b. Louis pasteur
c. William Harvey
d. Vesalius
22. Micrographia was written by
a. Louis pasteur
b. Vesalius
c. Carl Linnaeus
d. Robert Hooke 
23. Carlous Linnaeus is known as 
a. Father of taxonomy
b. Father of binomial nomenclature
c. Both a and b.
d.none of these
24. Systema Naturae was written by
a. Linnaeus
b. Vesalius
c. Willium Harvey.
d. Darwin
25. Who laid the foundation of palaeontology as a different branch of biology.
A. George Leopard Cuvier
b. Gregor  Mendel
c. Carolous Linnaeus
d. Charles Darwin
/Ans :18c 19a 20a 21c 22d 23c24a 25a/
By: Ashwani kumar.Biology teacher.vigyan tutorials. Phagwara.9646388266.

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