Wednesday 30 August 2017

Characteristics of prokaryotic cell

1.Prokaryotic cells lack well organised nucleus 
2.the genetic material is present in the form of circular DNA .
3. DNA is not packed in chromosomes 4.the nuclear membrane is lacking 
5the DNA is not complexed with histones
6. different types of Pilli present 
7.mitochondria are lacking in prokaryotic cells 
8.chloroplast is absent. photosynthetic lamellae may be present in photosynthetic bacteria
9. membrane bound organelle  like endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi ,lysosomes are absent 10.the ribosomes are of 70s type 11.cytoplasmic streaming is not seen in the cells
12. the microtubules form cytoskeleton 
13.the cell wall consists of  mucopeptides which is known as 14.the flagella simple and do not have 9 + 2 pattern
Post by: ashwani kumar, biology teacher@ vigyan tutorials, phagwara.

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