Saturday 4 November 2017

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is any disturbing sound that adversely affects the living organisms .technically the sound sound level above 30 decibel fall in the category of noise .sound frequency is measured in hertz. human hearing range is from 50 heartz to15000 Hertz .the sound waves having frequency below 50 hertz are called infrasonic and the sound waves having frequency above 15000 Hertz are called ultrasonic. power of sound per unit area is called sound intensity . Its unit is watt per metre squareW/m2. decibel is named after Graham Bell. General conversation producers 60 dB, loud conversation producers 70 dB ,scooter engine 80dB and truck engine produces about 90 dB, jet engine about 150 dB and rocket propulsion about 180 dB of noise.

sources of noise pollution: Industries vehicles ,loudspeakers, agriculture machinery ,crackers ,Dynamite blast at construction sites, domestic gadgets like mixture grinder ,vacuum cleaner television, radio army tanks,ammunition explosion etc are some common sources of pollution .

Effects: noise pollution adversely affects hearing ability of person .sound above 150 dB can permanently damage eardrum or dislocate ear ossicles .regular daytime exposure of sound above 80 decibel can reduce 15 dB hearing capacity in 10 years .person feels uncomfortable ,anxiety increases which in turn  can cause hypertension ,hormonal changes ,headache, digestion problem, increase in heartbeat ,Insomnia etc.exposure to high noise level can have bad effect on nervous system of developing baby .

effect on animals : high noise level have adverse affect on hearing ability, causes anxiety ,hormonal changes in animals .studies have shown that Exposure to high noise levels for longer. Studies have shown that exposure to high sound levels for longer periods in animals disturb  egg laying and hatching from eggs.

 control of noise pollution noise pollution :
laws should be implemented strictly .machines should be designed in such a way that they produce minimum noise. use of loudspeakers should be regulated strictly by law .use of crackers should be minimum .noiseless cracker or low sound crackers should be used .big cities should be divided into four zones .silence zone ,it is near hospitals and educational Institutes . there is residential zone, commercial zone and industrial zone .in Silence zone use of loudspeakers ,use of horns is not allowed .building should be designed in such a way that minimum noise enters the building from outside. green muffler or green belt can also reduce the noise level  .vegetation absorbs sound waves, therefore it is called green muffler .green muffler should be maintained on either side of road and railway tracks. it not only reduces noise but also reduces air pollution and dispersal of dust generated by moving vehicles. wide tree belts should be grown around industrial areas .we can use ear plugs and muffs to protect our ears from high noise levels .they block the entry of noise in ears.

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