Monday 31 December 2018


Diatoms are a group of algae.they are found in oceans, freshwater bodies and even on moist soil.
ecologically they are very important.they produce 20% of oxygen produced on Earth.they are of different shapes, sizes and colours. they belong to division ochrophyta and class bacillariophyceae.
diatoms are solitary they can occur as solitary organisms or they may be colonial.when colonial,they may firm ribbon shaped,star shaped or zigzag colonies. the size of a diatom ranges from 2to 200 micrometers.their number increases very rapidly.if adequate sunlight and nutrients are available their number can become double in 24 hours. they mainly multiply by binary fission.
on the basis of shape diatoms have been classified into two categories. one is centric diatoms .they are radially symmetrical. other one is pennate diatom. they are bilaterally symmetrical. the life span of a diatom is about 6days. their cell wall forms a colourful case around them due to which diatoms are also called jewels of the sea. their cell wall form case or shell around individual cell. this case is called frustule. it is made up of silica, exactly hydrated silicon waterbodies they are passively carried away by water currents hence fall under phytoplankton.they cannot swim. however male gametes of centric diatoms can swim .most of the diatoms float passively on the surface of water.some are benthic found attached to the benthic substrates.diatoms are able to synthesize their food by photosynthesis.they are mostly restricted to the euphotic zone where sunlight can penetrate.their shell is unique having to two halves, upper larger one is called epitheca and lower one is called hypotheca.when a diatom divides each daughter cell receives one half of shell that is one valve which acts as epitheca.the daughter individuals develop new hypotheca. as hpotheca is smaller in size the daughter cell which receives hypotheca of parent cell, remember this hypotheca will act as epitheca in daughter cell and it will develop new hypotheca which will be smaller than this way this daughter cell will be smaller than parent cell even after full growth.after repeated binary fission the size of diatom cell will go on has been seen that after some binary fission's the diatoms undergo auxospore phase in which they increase in size and produce gametes by meiosis. dead diatoms sink to bottom of oceans and their shells  form diatomaceous is rich in silica and is s dynamite stabilizer.

  1. By: Ashwani, Biology Teacher, Phagwara.

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