Sunday 13 January 2019

Differences between Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

1.The gymnosperms usually are not herbaceous, whereas, majority of angiosperms are herbaceous.

2. The gymnosperms are perennial whereas angiosperms may be annual biennial or perennial.

3. In gymnosperms the reproductive structures are cones which are unisexual, whereas, in angiosperms the reproductive structures are flowers which may be unisexual or bisexual.

4. In gymnosperms, during pollination the pollen grains fall on the micropyle , whereas in angiosperms they fall on the stigma.

5. In gymnosperms the pollination is  mainly occurs through anemophily whereas in angiosperms the pollination may occur through anemophily, entomophily ,hydrophily also .

6.Ovules are naked in gymnosperms ,whereas, they are protected in ovaries or carpels in angiosperms.

7. in gymnosperms the archegonia are present in female gametophyte, whereas, angiosperms lack archegonia.

8. In gymnosperms there is no double fertilization, only single fertilization occurs ,whereas, in angiosperms double fertilization occur.

9.Cleavage polyembryony is common in gymnosperms where is it is absent in angiosperms.

10. In gymnosperms zygote undergoes free nuclear division where is zygote of angiosperms does not divide by free nuclear division .

11.Vegetative reproduction is rare in gymnosperms, whereas, it is very common in angiosperms.

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