Wednesday 20 February 2019

'The Living World'-- NCERT based objective questions .

1.What is biology?
Biology is a science of life forms and living processes
2. Who is known as the Darwin of 20th centuy?
Ernst Mayr
3. Which prizes in biology are considered as triple crown of biology?
Balzan prize, International Prize for Biology, Crafoord Prize.
4. Name a biologist who got three big prizes in biology - Balzan prize, International Prize for Biology, Crafoord Prize.
Ernst Mayr
5. Who is pioneer of currently accepted definition of biological species?
Ernst Mayr.
6. Name some features of living organisms.
Growth, reproduction,, ability to sense environment.
7.  What is the difference between growth in plants and growth in animals?
In plants growth continue throughout life but in animals it stops after certain age
8.  Give 2 examples of growth in non living objects.
1.growth of mountains
2. Growth of sand mounds.
9. How do growth of living organisms take place ?
By accumulation of materials on inside
10. how do growth takes place in non living objects?
By accumulation of materials on outer surface.
11.  Name two organisms which reproduce by budding.
Yeast, Hydra
12. What term is used for the phenomenon in which a fragmented
organism regrows the lost part of its body?
13. Name a flatworm.
14. Name two groups of organisms which can multiply by fragmentation.
Mosses, fungi
15. What is meant by term growth in living organisms ?
Increase in number or mass
16. Name the organisms in which reproduction is synonymous with growth?
Amoeba, bacteria and unicellular algae.
17. Name some living organisms which do not reproduce?
Mule, worker bee, infertile human couple.
18.Why reproduction can not be an all inclusive defining characteristic of living organisms?
Because infertile (non reproducing) organisms like mule and worker bee are also living creatures .
19.why growth can not be a defining property of living organisms ?
Because non living objects like sand mounds and mountains can also grow .
20.sum total of all chemical reactions occurring in our body is called......
21. Do any non living organism exhibit metabolism.
22.Can metabolic reactions be demonstrated in laboratory.
23. Metabolic reactions can take place in vitro (eg.,in test tube ), still it is a defining character of living organisms. why?
Because metabolic reactions occurring within a living organism having cellular organisation is a defining characteristic of living organisms.
24. Why cellular organisation of body is a defining characteristic of living organisms?
Because  metabolic reactions must occur in an living organism having cellular organisation .metabolic reaction outside cellular environment or not characteristic of living organism.
25. Consciousness is a defining characteristic of living organisms. what does it mean ?
It means living organisms can sense their surrounding environment.
26. Give three defining characteristics of living organisms. consciousness, metabolism, cellular organisation.
Diversity in Living World.
27. How many species are known and described by biologists ?
1.7 -1.8 millions .
28.what is the term used for large variety of living organisms present on earth?
29. Why local names are not preferred in scientific literature? Because local names vary from place to place .
30.what is ICBN?
ICBN is an international code for botanical nomenclature . it provides rules for scientific nomenclature of plants.
31. what is ICZN?
ICZN is an international code of zoological nomenclature. it provides rules for scientific nomenclature of animals .
32.what is main advantage of scientific names?
An organism is known by same name all over the world and one name is exclusively given to a specific type of organism.
33. what is binomial nomenclature? Scientific name of each organism has two components genus name or generic name and specific epithet.
34.who gave the binomial nomenclature?
Carolus Linnaeus.
35.what is scientific name of mango?
Mangifera indica.
36.what is the genus and species name in scientific name of mango?
Mangifera : genus
indica: species
37. What ancient language is preferred for scientific names? Latin
38.How are scientific names written?
when written with hand the genus and species names are separately underlined .
39. How are scientific names printe?
in italics
40.Mangifera indica, mangifera Indica, Mangifera Indica .which one is correct ?
first one .
41.what does Mangifera Indica Linn.means ?
It means species was first described by Linnaeus.
42. what is the term used for grouping the organisms on the basis of their characteristics? Classification.
43. What is the term used for different categories of classification ?
44. classifying  the organisms into different taxa is known as..... taxonomy
45.which characters  are used in modern taxonomy ?
External and internal structure, structure of cell, development process and ecology of organism.
8pp .
46.Give basic procedure in process in taxonomy .
characterization, identification classification and nomenclature. 47.what was used to be the basis of earliest classification of living organisms ?
organisms were classified on the basis of their uses.
48. The branch of study which takes into account evolutionary relationships among organisms is called .....
systematics .
49. 'Systema nature' was title of book written by.....
1.3 Taxonomic categories.
50.what is a taxonomic rank or category in classification ?
Each step in taxonomic hierarchy is called a taxonomic rank or taxonomic category.
51. what is taxonomic hierarchy?
Classification of organisms involves a series of ranks or categories and all ranks or categories together constitute taxonomic hierarchy .
52.what is a taxon ?
Each category in classification is called taxon (pl.taxa).
53. Name a common feature among insects .
Three pair of legs .
54. A unit of classification is called.....
taxon or rank
55. Name main taxonomic categories.
Kingdom , Phylum or Division (for plants ) , Class , Order, Family, Genus and Species.
56. what is the lowest category in classification of plants and animals?
58.what is scientific name of human beings ?
Homo sapiens
59. Group or aggregate of related species comprises ....
60. Group of related genera comprises ......
61. The number of similarity in characters.......... as we move from lowest category to higher categories
62.Group of families having some key similarity in characters comprise .......
63. Related orders comprise...... class
64. Aggregate of classes with some similar characters comprise..... Phylum
65. In plants classes with few similar characters comprise a.... Division
66.what is the highest category in animals ?
Kingdom Animalia .
67. what is the highest category in plants kingdom ?
Kingdom Plantae
68. From species to kingdom the number of common characters........ decreases
69.Which will have more similar characters an orders or genus.
why ?
Genus ,lower the taxa more is the  similarity in characters .
70.what is order of man,monkey and gorilla ?
71.what is the order of housefly?
72. What is scientific name of common wheat?
Triticum aestivum .
73. what is the family of wheat?
74. what is a herbarium?
A store house of dried plants which are pressed and fixed on sheets is called herbarium .these sheets are arranged in scientific way of classification .
pp12 .

75.what is botanical garden?
A garden with the collection of living plants where each plant is labelled with scientific name and its family is called botanical garden.
76. where is national botanical research institute NBRI located? Lucknow.
77. where is Indian botanical garden located ?
Howrah ,in West Bengal ,India.
78. what is a biological museum?
Museum is a place where there is a collection of preserved plants and animal specimens for study  and reference.

13 pp.

79. what is zoological Park?
It is a place where wild animals are kept in protected conditions and provided condition similar to their natural habitat.

80. what is a key in taxonomic classification?
Key is an important taxonomic aid which helps in identification and classification of plants and animals on the basis of similarities and dissimilarities of characters.
81. what is a couplet and lead in a key ?
A pair of contrasting characters in key is called couplet.
Each statement in key is called a lead .

82.what is a monograph ?
A literary document containing detailed information on any one taxon is called monograph.

83. what is flora ?
A literary document containing detailed account of habitat and distribution of plants in a particular area is called flora.

By: Ashwani,biology teacher,Phagwara

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