Sunday 17 December 2017

Biology paper, GENETICS , ICSE Class10      MM30
1.a. state Mendels law of dominance.
  B.a pure tall plant TT, is crossed with pure dwarf plant tt,draw punnett square to show F2 generation
C.give the phenotype of F2 generation.
D.give the phenotype and genotype ratio of F1 and F2 generation.
E. Name any one X linked disease found in humans.

2. A homozygous plant having round R,and yellow (Y), seeds is crossed with plant having wrinkled (r) and green(y) seeds.
A.give the scientific  name of the planton which Mendel conducted experiments .
B.give the genotype of F1 generation.
C.give the dihybrid phenotypic ratio and phenotype of offsprings of F2 generation when two plants of F1 generation are crossed. and state the law which explains the dihybrid ratio.
E.give the possible combination of gametes that can be obtained from F1 hybrids.

3.explain the following terms
B. Homologous chromosomes
  C. Alleles
D.monohybrid cross

4.given below are groups of terms. In each group the first pair indicates the relationship between the two terms.rewrite and complete the secondpair on a similar basis
A. Albinism : recessive : : polydactyly:
B.TT: homozygous dominant : : Tt :
C. X linked : haemophilia: : y linked:

5. Give technical term for the following
A.all genes present in an  organism .
B. Small differences among individuals .
C.alternative form of a character .
D. The allele of a gene which which express itself only in homozygous state.
E.arrangement  of chromosome photographs according to their shape and size.

6. In a homozygous pea plant ,axial flowers (A), are dominant over terminal flowers (a).draw a punnett square board to show the gametes and offsprings when both the parents are heterozygous for axial flowers.give phenotypic and genotypic ratio of this cross.

7. A colour blind  man got married to a carrier woman . is their possibility of the colour blind daughter.spupport your answer with punnett square .

8.explain term criss cross inheritance

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