Tuesday 26 December 2017

Biology paper.Absorption by roots.
 ICSE Class10.                            MMr30
1.The diagram given below represents a plant cell after being placed in a strong sugar solution. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow :
A. What is the state of the cell Shown in figure.
B. name the structure that acts as a selectively permeable membrane.
C label the parts numbered 1to4 in the diagram .
D.how can the above cell be  brought back to its original condition ? mention the scientific term for the  recovery of the cell.
E. state any two features of the above plant cell which is not present in animal cells.

2. Choose the correct option from them four options given below
A. a plant cell may burst when
a. turgor pressure equalises  wall pressure.
b turgor pressure exceeds wall pressure.
c wall pressure exceeds turgor pressure d.none of the above
B. Marine  fish when placed in tap water bursts  due to
a.endosmosis b.exosmosis
c.diffusion  d.plasmolysis
C. The space between the the cell wall and plasma membrane in a plasmolysed Cell is filled with
a. isotonic solution
b. hypotonic solution
c.hypertonic solution

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