Friday 5 January 2018

Biology paper
class 10
1. name the followings.
A. green colour substance in plants.
B. structure containing thylakoids.
C. piles of thylakoids .
D.split of water molecules by light energy .
E.conversion of ADP into ATP.

2. select the most appropriate option. A.which one is not required for photosynthesis
a. carbon dioxide
b. oxygen
c. light
B.components of chlorophyll are
a. carbon
c. nitrogen
d.all of these
C. glucose is synthesized in
a.light dependent phase
b. light independent phase
c. both of these phases
d. none of these
D. the main( primary) function of stomata is to
a. let the carbon dioxide enter
 Inside the leaf let oxygen released into the atmosphere
d.all of these
E.which of the following is not an adaptation for photosynthesis
a. large surface area of leaves
b.transparent cuticle
c. numerous stomata
d. numerous chloroplasts on lower surface of leaves . will the following effect rate of photosynthesis
1.scarcity of water 2.rise in temperature 3.mineral deficiency
4.which is the location of the following structures mentioned in brackets
1.chlorophyll( thylakoids )
2.stomata( leaves )
5.explain why
1.chlorophyll appears green
2. grass grown in Shade turns yellow
6.term dark phase  is not appropriate for light independent phase
7. briefly explain
1.potassium ion concentration theory .
2.RuBP and Rubisco
8. given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of the organelle in plant cell study the same and answer the questions that follow

1.identify the organelle. the physiological process occurring in the organelle
3/. mention one way in which this processes beneficial to man. the phases of the process occurring in the part labelled as 1 and 2.
5. A chemical substance NADP plays an active part in one of the phases. Write the expanded form of NADP and state its role in above process.
6. Represent the physiological process mentioned in question 2 in the firm of chemical reaction.

7. The diagram below represent an experiment conducted to prove the importance of photosynthesis. study the same and answer the questions that follow.

1. name the factors being studied in the experiment .
2.why was the plant kept in a dark room before conducting the experiment
3.why was the experimental leaf then kept in a. boiling water b. methylated spirit
4. name the solution used to test for presence of starch in the leaf .
5.wat will we observe in the experimental leaf  at the end of the starch test .
6.give a balanced chemical equation to represent the process of photosynthesis.

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