Friday 5 January 2018

Biology paper: Transpiration
MM 30. the followings
1. Openings on stem through which transpiration takes place .
2.a paper that turns pink when exposed to moisture
3.a plant in which stomata are sunken.
4..any two parts of leaf that allow transpiration.
5.A device used to Measure water intake by plant .

B.differentiate between the following on the basis of factors mentioned in the bracket
1.lenticel and stomata (opening and clothing)
2. transpiration and guttation (structure involved )
C.explain how
1. transpiration helps in bringing rain .
2.transpiration is a price paid for photosynthesis 3.transpiration helps to generate suction force . will the following factors influence the rate of photosynthesis?    1.decrease in atmospheric pressure 2.increase in humidity outside plant  3.increase in temperature
E.How are following structures useful to plant.
1. spines in cacti
2.shrunken stomata
F.given below is an apparatus used to study a particular phenomena in plants study the same and answer the questions that follows

1.Name the Apparatus
2.mention the limitations of this apparatus.
3. what is the function of the part marked reservoir .
4.which phenomena is studied with help of this apparatus.
5. What is the role of air bubble in the experiment?

G. Given below is an experimental set up to study a particular process.

1. Name the process being studied.
2.Explain the process named in above question 1.
3.why is the pot covered with plastic sheet.
4.mention one way in which the process is beneficial to the plant.
5.suggest a suitable control for this experiment.

 Ashwani Kumar ,Biology teacher ,Patel Nagar,phagwara 9646388266

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