A characteristic feature of annelids is metameric segmentation i.e body shows external division by circular ring like annuli and corresponding internal division by septa. segments thus formed are called metamers. they are found in marine habitat, freshwater habitat and in moist soil also . symmetry is bilateral. body is triploblastic that is made up of 3 germ layers. they have organ level of body organisation. another characteristic feature is presence of setae in most of species. Setae are absent in leeches. some species have parapodia. which act as locomotor organ.annelids are coelomates . they have true coelom, which is schizocoel. in animal evolution annelids are the first to have coelom.The coelom contains coelomic fluid with certain types of cells. Coelomic fluid inside body cavity forms hydrostatic skeleton. in most of species respiration occurs by diffusion of gases throw skin. in some species respiration occurs through gills. digestive tract is complete, that is, have both mouth and anus. excretory system contains nephridia. blood circulatory system is closed type. blood is red due to plasma dissolved pigment erythrocruorin . true Blood vascular system is lacking. nervous system consists of mid ventral nerve cord with segmental ganglia and a nerve ring at interior end. sense organs are tactile receptors,photosreceptors, gustatoreceptors and also statocysts in some species. some species like earthworm, leech are hermaphrodite, whereas others like Neries are unisexual. development is direct in most of species, that is, no larval stage in life history. in some false like Neries larval stage (trochophore larva) is present.
Ashwani kumar biology teacher phagwara
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Platyhelminthes include flatworms. They are bilaterally symmetrical. They are acoelomate i.e, lack a coelom .they ate triploblastic ,that is, have three germ layers.most of species are parasitic.some are free living.they show cephalization of nervous system and their nervous system consists of a head ganglion . Excretory system consists of specialized flame cells. respiratory or circulatory systems are absent.exchange of gases occur by diffudion through body surface.Non parasitic forms have incomplete gut; even this is lacking in many parasitic forms.Movement in some species occur with help of body muscle. Others move along slime trails by the beating of epidermal cilia. Sense organs like ocelli (photoreceptors), chemoreceptors,statocysts ,rheoreceptors are present in some forms. Gut if present, is incomplete (without anus).tapeworms lack gut.The nervous system is ladder-like. It consists of the brain (head ganglion) and two main longitudinal nerve cords connected at intervals by transverse commissures.These animals are generally hermaphrodite but mostly cross fertilization occur. fertilization is internal. self fertilization occur in tapeworms.in some flat worms like Planaria asexual reproduction occur by binary fission.Life cycle consists of one or more larval stages. In liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica)the larval stages are - miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cercaria and metacercaria . larval stages in tapeworm are onchosphere, hexacanth and cysticercus larvae. Flatworms show organ level system of organisation.
Porifera include the sponges . these are most primitive of multicellular animals.they are sessile and are fixed to some submerged object.The Plorifera belongs to Kingdom animalia. Most of members of this phylum are marine few are fresh water inhabitants. They maybe solitary or colonial. They have Cellular grade of body organisation shape is mostly cylindrical what are the shapes are also found. Body maybe radially symmetrical aur asymmetrical .They are diploblastic animals having two germ layers outer layer is called the derma and inner layer is called gastral layer.inbetween two layers there is gelatinousmesogloea.it contains several amoeboid sales. Body has numerous pores called ostia for water entry and there is a large pore called osculum at the apex . coelom is absent but there maybe a cavity called spongocoel.water circulatory system is a unique features in the members of this phylum .endoskeleton consists of spicules which maybe calcareous made up of calcium carbonate or silicious made up of silica. in some forms the Skeleton is made up of spongin fibres .spongin in a type of protein ingestion is holozoic .digestion is intracellular .nervous system and circulatory system or absent. Both asexual and sexual reproduction occurs .asexual reproduction occurs by budding,gemmule formation and by regeneration .sexual reproduction involves fusion of gametes . fertilization is internal.Life cycle has free swimming larvae called amphiblastula or parenchymula.
Friday, 5 January 2018
Biology paper
class 10
1. name the followings.
A. green colour substance in plants.
B. structure containing thylakoids.
C. piles of thylakoids .
D.split of water molecules by light energy .
E.conversion of ADP into ATP.
2. select the most appropriate option. A.which one is not required for photosynthesis
a. carbon dioxide
b. oxygen
c. light
B.components of chlorophyll are
a. carbon
c. nitrogen
d.all of these
C. glucose is synthesized in
a.light dependent phase
b. light independent phase
c. both of these phases
d. none of these
D. the main( primary) function of stomata is to
a. let the carbon dioxide enter
Inside the leaf
b.to let oxygen released into the atmosphere
d.all of these
E.which of the following is not an adaptation for photosynthesis
a. large surface area of leaves
b.transparent cuticle
c. numerous stomata
d. numerous chloroplasts on lower surface of leaves .
3.how will the following effect rate of photosynthesis
1.scarcity of water 2.rise in temperature 3.mineral deficiency
4.which is the location of the following structures mentioned in brackets
1.chlorophyll( thylakoids )
2.stomata( leaves )
5.explain why
1.chlorophyll appears green
2. grass grown in Shade turns yellow
6.term dark phase is not appropriate for light independent phase
7. briefly explain
1.potassium ion concentration theory .
2.RuBP and Rubisco
8. given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of the organelle in plant cell study the same and answer the questions that follow
1.identify the organelle.
2.name the physiological process occurring in the organelle
3/. mention one way in which this processes beneficial to man.
4.name the phases of the process occurring in the part labelled as 1 and 2.
5. A chemical substance NADP plays an active part in one of the phases. Write the expanded form of NADP and state its role in above process.
6. Represent the physiological process mentioned in question 2 in the firm of chemical reaction.
7. The diagram below represent an experiment conducted to prove the importance of photosynthesis. study the same and answer the questions that follow.
1. name the factors being studied in the experiment .
2.why was the plant kept in a dark room before conducting the experiment
3.why was the experimental leaf then kept in a. boiling water b. methylated spirit
4. name the solution used to test for presence of starch in the leaf .
5.wat will we observe in the experimental leaf at the end of the starch test .
6.give a balanced chemical equation to represent the process of photosynthesis.
class 10
1. name the followings.
A. green colour substance in plants.
B. structure containing thylakoids.
C. piles of thylakoids .
D.split of water molecules by light energy .
E.conversion of ADP into ATP.
2. select the most appropriate option. A.which one is not required for photosynthesis
a. carbon dioxide
b. oxygen
c. light
B.components of chlorophyll are
a. carbon
c. nitrogen
d.all of these
C. glucose is synthesized in
a.light dependent phase
b. light independent phase
c. both of these phases
d. none of these
D. the main( primary) function of stomata is to
a. let the carbon dioxide enter
Inside the leaf
b.to let oxygen released into the atmosphere
d.all of these
E.which of the following is not an adaptation for photosynthesis
a. large surface area of leaves
b.transparent cuticle
c. numerous stomata
d. numerous chloroplasts on lower surface of leaves .
3.how will the following effect rate of photosynthesis
1.scarcity of water 2.rise in temperature 3.mineral deficiency
4.which is the location of the following structures mentioned in brackets
1.chlorophyll( thylakoids )
2.stomata( leaves )
5.explain why
1.chlorophyll appears green
2. grass grown in Shade turns yellow
6.term dark phase is not appropriate for light independent phase
7. briefly explain
1.potassium ion concentration theory .
2.RuBP and Rubisco
8. given below is a diagrammatic representation of the internal structure of the organelle in plant cell study the same and answer the questions that follow
1.identify the organelle.
2.name the physiological process occurring in the organelle
3/. mention one way in which this processes beneficial to man.
4.name the phases of the process occurring in the part labelled as 1 and 2.
5. A chemical substance NADP plays an active part in one of the phases. Write the expanded form of NADP and state its role in above process.
6. Represent the physiological process mentioned in question 2 in the firm of chemical reaction.
7. The diagram below represent an experiment conducted to prove the importance of photosynthesis. study the same and answer the questions that follow.
1. name the factors being studied in the experiment .
2.why was the plant kept in a dark room before conducting the experiment
3.why was the experimental leaf then kept in a. boiling water b. methylated spirit
4. name the solution used to test for presence of starch in the leaf .
5.wat will we observe in the experimental leaf at the end of the starch test .
6.give a balanced chemical equation to represent the process of photosynthesis.
Biology paper: Transpiration
MM 30.
A.name the followings
1. Openings on stem through which transpiration takes place .
2.a paper that turns pink when exposed to moisture
3.a plant in which stomata are sunken.
4..any two parts of leaf that allow transpiration.
5.A device used to Measure water intake by plant .
B.differentiate between the following on the basis of factors mentioned in the bracket
1.lenticel and stomata (opening and clothing)
2. transpiration and guttation (structure involved )
C.explain how
1. transpiration helps in bringing rain .
2.transpiration is a price paid for photosynthesis 3.transpiration helps to generate suction force .
D.how will the following factors influence the rate of photosynthesis? 1.decrease in atmospheric pressure 2.increase in humidity outside plant 3.increase in temperature
E.How are following structures useful to plant.
1. spines in cacti
2.shrunken stomata
F.given below is an apparatus used to study a particular phenomena in plants study the same and answer the questions that follows
1.Name the Apparatus
2.mention the limitations of this apparatus.
3. what is the function of the part marked reservoir .
4.which phenomena is studied with help of this apparatus.
5. What is the role of air bubble in the experiment?
G. Given below is an experimental set up to study a particular process.
1. Name the process being studied.
2.Explain the process named in above question 1.
3.why is the pot covered with plastic sheet.
4.mention one way in which the process is beneficial to the plant.
5.suggest a suitable control for this experiment.
Ashwani Kumar ,Biology teacher ,Patel Nagar,phagwara 9646388266
MM 30.
A.name the followings
1. Openings on stem through which transpiration takes place .
2.a paper that turns pink when exposed to moisture
3.a plant in which stomata are sunken.
4..any two parts of leaf that allow transpiration.
5.A device used to Measure water intake by plant .
B.differentiate between the following on the basis of factors mentioned in the bracket
1.lenticel and stomata (opening and clothing)
2. transpiration and guttation (structure involved )
C.explain how
1. transpiration helps in bringing rain .
2.transpiration is a price paid for photosynthesis 3.transpiration helps to generate suction force .
D.how will the following factors influence the rate of photosynthesis? 1.decrease in atmospheric pressure 2.increase in humidity outside plant 3.increase in temperature
E.How are following structures useful to plant.
1. spines in cacti
2.shrunken stomata
F.given below is an apparatus used to study a particular phenomena in plants study the same and answer the questions that follows
1.Name the Apparatus
2.mention the limitations of this apparatus.
3. what is the function of the part marked reservoir .
4.which phenomena is studied with help of this apparatus.
5. What is the role of air bubble in the experiment?
G. Given below is an experimental set up to study a particular process.
1. Name the process being studied.
2.Explain the process named in above question 1.
3.why is the pot covered with plastic sheet.
4.mention one way in which the process is beneficial to the plant.
5.suggest a suitable control for this experiment.
Ashwani Kumar ,Biology teacher ,Patel Nagar,phagwara 9646388266
Wednesday, 27 December 2017
ICSE Class10. MM30
1.The diagram given below represents a plant cell after being placed in a strong sugar solution. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow :
B. name the structure that acts as a selectively permeable membrane.
C label the parts numbered 1to4 in the diagram .
D.how can the above cell be brought back to its original condition ? mention the scientific term for the recovery of the cell.
E. state any two features of the above plant cell which is not present in animal cells.
2. Choose the correct option from them four options given below
A. a plant cell may burst when
a. turgor pressure equalises wall pressure.
b turgor pressure exceeds wall pressure.
c wall pressure exceeds turgor pressure d.none of the above
B. Marine fish when placed in tap water bursts due to
a.endosmosis b.exosmosis
c.diffusion d.plasmolysis
C. The space between the the cell wall and plasma membrane in a plasmolysed Cell is filled with
a. isotonic solution
b. hypotonic solution
c.hypertonic solution
D.which of the following is a characteristic not related with the suitability of the roots for absorbing water .
a. Tremendoys surface area
b.contains cell sap at a higher cincentration than the surrounding soil water.
c.root hairs have thin cell wall.
d.grow downwards into the soil .
E. Absorption of water by plant cells by surface attraction is called
c. imbibition
d.none of these
F.highest water potential in Osmosis is that of
a.pure water
b.10% salt solution
c. 50% sugar solution
3. Differentiate between the following pairs on the basis of what is mentioned within the brackets
a.diffusion and osmosis( definition)
b. cell wall and cell membrane ( permeability c.transpiration and guttation ( structures involved )
4.give reasons
a. potato cubes when placed in water become firm and increase in size
b. drooping of leaves of Mimosa pudica on being touched
5. name the following
a. pressure of cell content on cell wall
b.a process by which root hairs absorb water from soil
c.the process of uptake of mineral ions against the concentration gradient using energy from the cell .
d.membrane which allows the passage of molecules selectively
e.a solution in which relative concentration of water molecules and solutes on either side of cell membrane is same.
6 briefly explain the following terms
a. turgidity
d.osmotic pressure
7. The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of a part of the transverse section of the root in the root hair zone .study the same and then answer the following questions
a.name the parts indicated by guidelines one to 4
b.which is the process that enables the passage of water from the soil into the root hair.
c. name the pressure that is responsible for the movement of water in the direction indicated by arrows
d.due to excess of this pressure sometimes drops of water are found along the leaf margins of some plants especially on in early morning. what is this phenomena called?
e.draw well labelled diagram of the root hair cell as it would appear if excess of fertilizer is added to the soil close to it
By:Ashwani Kumar,Biology teacher,Vigyan Tutorials,Guru Hargobind Nagar Road,patel nagar,Phagwara.9646388266.
Tuesday, 26 December 2017
Biology paper.Absorption by roots.
ICSE Class10. MMr30
1.The diagram given below represents a plant cell after being placed in a strong sugar solution. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow :
A. What is the state of the cell Shown in figure.
B. name the structure that acts as a selectively permeable membrane.
C label the parts numbered 1to4 in the diagram .
D.how can the above cell be brought back to its original condition ? mention the scientific term for the recovery of the cell.
E. state any two features of the above plant cell which is not present in animal cells.
2. Choose the correct option from them four options given below
A. a plant cell may burst when
a. turgor pressure equalises wall pressure.
b turgor pressure exceeds wall pressure.
c wall pressure exceeds turgor pressure d.none of the above
B. Marine fish when placed in tap water bursts due to
a.endosmosis b.exosmosis
c.diffusion d.plasmolysis
C. The space between the the cell wall and plasma membrane in a plasmolysed Cell is filled with
a. isotonic solution
b. hypotonic solution
c.hypertonic solution
ICSE Class10. MMr30
1.The diagram given below represents a plant cell after being placed in a strong sugar solution. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow :
A. What is the state of the cell Shown in figure.
B. name the structure that acts as a selectively permeable membrane.
C label the parts numbered 1to4 in the diagram .
D.how can the above cell be brought back to its original condition ? mention the scientific term for the recovery of the cell.
E. state any two features of the above plant cell which is not present in animal cells.
2. Choose the correct option from them four options given below
A. a plant cell may burst when
a. turgor pressure equalises wall pressure.
b turgor pressure exceeds wall pressure.
c wall pressure exceeds turgor pressure d.none of the above
B. Marine fish when placed in tap water bursts due to
a.endosmosis b.exosmosis
c.diffusion d.plasmolysis
C. The space between the the cell wall and plasma membrane in a plasmolysed Cell is filled with
a. isotonic solution
b. hypotonic solution
c.hypertonic solution
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