Wednesday 27 December 2017

Biology paper.Absorption by roots.
 ICSE Class10.                            MM30
1.The diagram given below represents a plant cell after being placed in a strong sugar solution. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow :

A. What is the state of the cell Shown in figure.
B. name the structure that acts as a selectively permeable membrane.
C label the parts numbered 1to4 in the diagram . can the above cell be  brought back to its original condition ? mention the scientific term for the  recovery of the cell.
E. state any two features of the above plant cell which is not present in animal cells.

2. Choose the correct option from them four options given below
A. a plant cell may burst when
a. turgor pressure equalises  wall pressure.
b turgor pressure exceeds wall pressure.
c wall pressure exceeds turgor pressure d.none of the above

B. Marine  fish when placed in tap water bursts  due to
a.endosmosis b.exosmosis
c.diffusion  d.plasmolysis

C. The space between the the cell wall and plasma membrane in a plasmolysed Cell is filled with
a. isotonic solution
b. hypotonic solution
c.hypertonic solution 

D.which of the following  is a characteristic not related with the  suitability of the roots for absorbing water .
a. Tremendoys surface area
b.contains cell sap at a higher cincentration than the surrounding soil water.
c.root hairs have thin cell  wall.
d.grow downwards into the soil .

E. Absorption of  water by  plant cells by  surface attraction is called 
c. imbibition 
d.none of these 

F.highest water potential in Osmosis is  that  of 
a.pure  water 
b.10% salt solution
c. 50% sugar solution 

3. Differentiate between the following pairs  on the basis of what is mentioned within the brackets 
a.diffusion and osmosis( definition)
b. cell wall and cell membrane ( permeability c.transpiration and guttation ( structures involved )

4.give reasons
a. potato cubes when placed in water become firm and increase in size
b. drooping  of leaves of Mimosa pudica  on being touched

5. name the following
a. pressure of cell content on cell wall 
b.a process by which root hairs absorb  water from soil 
c.the process of uptake of mineral ions against the concentration gradient using energy from the cell .
d.membrane which allows the passage of molecules selectively 
e.a solution in which relative concentration of water molecules and solutes  on either side of cell membrane is same.

6 briefly explain the following terms
a. turgidity  
d.osmotic pressure

7. The figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of a  part of the transverse section of the root  in the root hair zone  .study the same and then answer the following questions the parts indicated by  guidelines one to  4 

b.which is the process that enables the passage of water from the soil into the root hair.
c. name the pressure  that is responsible for the movement of water in the direction indicated by arrows 
d.due to excess of this pressure  sometimes drops of water are  found along the leaf margins  of some plants especially on in early morning. what is this phenomena  called? 
e.draw well labelled diagram of the root hair cell as it would appear if excess of fertilizer is added to the soil close to it

By:Ashwani Kumar,Biology teacher,Vigyan Tutorials,Guru Hargobind Nagar Road,patel nagar,Phagwara.9646388266.

Tuesday 26 December 2017

Biology paper.Absorption by roots.
 ICSE Class10.                            MMr30
1.The diagram given below represents a plant cell after being placed in a strong sugar solution. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow :
A. What is the state of the cell Shown in figure.
B. name the structure that acts as a selectively permeable membrane.
C label the parts numbered 1to4 in the diagram . can the above cell be  brought back to its original condition ? mention the scientific term for the  recovery of the cell.
E. state any two features of the above plant cell which is not present in animal cells.

2. Choose the correct option from them four options given below
A. a plant cell may burst when
a. turgor pressure equalises  wall pressure.
b turgor pressure exceeds wall pressure.
c wall pressure exceeds turgor pressure d.none of the above
B. Marine  fish when placed in tap water bursts  due to
a.endosmosis b.exosmosis
c.diffusion  d.plasmolysis
C. The space between the the cell wall and plasma membrane in a plasmolysed Cell is filled with
a. isotonic solution
b. hypotonic solution
c.hypertonic solution

Sunday 17 December 2017

Biology paper, GENETICS , ICSE Class10      MM30
1.a. state Mendels law of dominance.
  B.a pure tall plant TT, is crossed with pure dwarf plant tt,draw punnett square to show F2 generation
C.give the phenotype of F2 generation.
D.give the phenotype and genotype ratio of F1 and F2 generation.
E. Name any one X linked disease found in humans.

2. A homozygous plant having round R,and yellow (Y), seeds is crossed with plant having wrinkled (r) and green(y) seeds.
A.give the scientific  name of the planton which Mendel conducted experiments .
B.give the genotype of F1 generation.
C.give the dihybrid phenotypic ratio and phenotype of offsprings of F2 generation when two plants of F1 generation are crossed. and state the law which explains the dihybrid ratio.
E.give the possible combination of gametes that can be obtained from F1 hybrids.

3.explain the following terms
B. Homologous chromosomes
  C. Alleles
D.monohybrid cross

4.given below are groups of terms. In each group the first pair indicates the relationship between the two terms.rewrite and complete the secondpair on a similar basis
A. Albinism : recessive : : polydactyly:
B.TT: homozygous dominant : : Tt :
C. X linked : haemophilia: : y linked:

5. Give technical term for the following
A.all genes present in an  organism .
B. Small differences among individuals .
C.alternative form of a character .
D. The allele of a gene which which express itself only in homozygous state.
E.arrangement  of chromosome photographs according to their shape and size.

6. In a homozygous pea plant ,axial flowers (A), are dominant over terminal flowers (a).draw a punnett square board to show the gametes and offsprings when both the parents are heterozygous for axial flowers.give phenotypic and genotypic ratio of this cross.

7. A colour blind  man got married to a carrier woman . is their possibility of the colour blind daughter.spupport your answer with punnett square .

8.explain term criss cross inheritance

Thursday 14 December 2017

Biology paper, ICSE, Class10

Biology practice paper ,class10.         MM30. the following
A. crossing over takes place.
B. a cell organelle (except nucleus)without  DNA.
C.a cell that do not divide
D.phase in which chromosomes get
arranged at equator .
E.A term for division of cytoplasm . 5.

2/choose the correct answer from each of four options below.
1.chromosomes reach at poles in
A.anaphase B.telophase
C.prophase  D .metaphase
2.meiosis occurs in
A. Testis B. Anthers
C. Ovaries D.all of these
3.chromosome number after meiosis is
A. 2n B. n
C.3n.  D.4n. 3

3. In each of set of terms given below, there is an odd one and cannot be grouped in the same category towhich other two belong.identify the odd term in each set and name the category to which remaining two catogories belong.
1.asters,furrow,cell plate
3.mitochondria,lysosome,chloroplasts 3.
4/complete the following paragraph by filling the blanks.
A. In interphase RNA and proteins are z synthesised in ..........phase.the cell may enter .......phase or enter in next .......phase for DNA synthesis.more DNA and proteins are synthesised in ........
Phase.                                                4.

5.A.draw a labelled diagram of an animal cell in late prophase
B. How is it different from prophase in plant cell. the phase next to prophase.3
6.give technical term for the folowing
A. The chromosomes received from mother of parts of chromatids between homologous chromosomes in meiosis
7.give reason
A.meiosis1 is a reductional division but not meiosis2
B. Number of chromosomes in cell formed by mitosis remains same. 2.
8/.state the exact location of the following structures
A.pole of spindle
B.equator of spindle. 2.
9.given below are 7 terms .of these 6 can be placed into 3 matching pairs.
Cytokinesis,equator ,metaphase,haploid,meiosis,G2,cell plate.     3
10.differentiate between the followi ng pairs on the basis of what is mentioned in the brackets
1. Mitosis and meiosis ( division of cytoplasm)
2/mitosis and meiosis ,,( variations).  2.

11.differentiate between chromosome and chromatid.  1/

Saturday 4 November 2017

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is any disturbing sound that adversely affects the living organisms .technically the sound sound level above 30 decibel fall in the category of noise .sound frequency is measured in hertz. human hearing range is from 50 heartz to15000 Hertz .the sound waves having frequency below 50 hertz are called infrasonic and the sound waves having frequency above 15000 Hertz are called ultrasonic. power of sound per unit area is called sound intensity . Its unit is watt per metre squareW/m2. decibel is named after Graham Bell. General conversation producers 60 dB, loud conversation producers 70 dB ,scooter engine 80dB and truck engine produces about 90 dB, jet engine about 150 dB and rocket propulsion about 180 dB of noise.

sources of noise pollution: Industries vehicles ,loudspeakers, agriculture machinery ,crackers ,Dynamite blast at construction sites, domestic gadgets like mixture grinder ,vacuum cleaner television, radio army tanks,ammunition explosion etc are some common sources of pollution .

Effects: noise pollution adversely affects hearing ability of person .sound above 150 dB can permanently damage eardrum or dislocate ear ossicles .regular daytime exposure of sound above 80 decibel can reduce 15 dB hearing capacity in 10 years .person feels uncomfortable ,anxiety increases which in turn  can cause hypertension ,hormonal changes ,headache, digestion problem, increase in heartbeat ,Insomnia etc.exposure to high noise level can have bad effect on nervous system of developing baby .

effect on animals : high noise level have adverse affect on hearing ability, causes anxiety ,hormonal changes in animals .studies have shown that Exposure to high noise levels for longer. Studies have shown that exposure to high sound levels for longer periods in animals disturb  egg laying and hatching from eggs.

 control of noise pollution noise pollution :
laws should be implemented strictly .machines should be designed in such a way that they produce minimum noise. use of loudspeakers should be regulated strictly by law .use of crackers should be minimum .noiseless cracker or low sound crackers should be used .big cities should be divided into four zones .silence zone ,it is near hospitals and educational Institutes . there is residential zone, commercial zone and industrial zone .in Silence zone use of loudspeakers ,use of horns is not allowed .building should be designed in such a way that minimum noise enters the building from outside. green muffler or green belt can also reduce the noise level  .vegetation absorbs sound waves, therefore it is called green muffler .green muffler should be maintained on either side of road and railway tracks. it not only reduces noise but also reduces air pollution and dispersal of dust generated by moving vehicles. wide tree belts should be grown around industrial areas .we can use ear plugs and muffs to protect our ears from high noise levels .they block the entry of noise in ears.

Flluid Mosaic Model of Plasma Membrane

It was well known that biomembranes can contract, expand,undergo fusion and can quickly repair  themselves. on the basis of these properties Singer and Nicolson (1972)proposed that
biomembranes are not solid but quassi fluid .according to this model the membranes do not have uniform arrangement of lipids and proteins but they are mosaic of two  There is a bilayer of phospholipid molecules proteins are present in between phospholipid molecules ,on the outer side of phospholipid bilayer and on the inner side of phospholipid bilayer. the proteins which are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer are called integral or intrinsic proteins. the proteins present on outer surface of phospholipid bilayer are called extrinsic proteins or peripheral proteins. The lipid bilayer is semi fluid .it allows the lateral movement of proteins .some proteins act as enzymes. some proteins help in active transport .some carbohydrate molecules may be attached to the phospholipid molecules forming glycolipids .the carbohydrates attached to proteins form glycoproteins 

Friday 3 November 2017


Sciophytes plants are also known as shade plants because they are adapted to low intensity of lights. stems are soft with large internodes. the  leaves are thinwith thin cuticle.stomata lie at level of surface of leaves and are resent on both the surfaces of leaves. root system his less extensive . they have low photosynthetic and metabolic rate.